L.A. County Mock Elections with Fred/Vinny + Steve Garvey

Save The Date

September 29 from 9 AM to 12 PM

Voting in L.A. County will soon change, and we want you to know about it.

Our office is partnering with 50 locations across the County and inviting everyone to experience the new voting system, Voting Solutions for All People.

We're keeping this light and fun, no real contests from past or future elections. But you will vote on things like your favorite sports team, park or music venue!

Celebs, Prize Giveaways and Much More

Select locations will have live DJs, surprise celebrities, food trucks and chances to win L.A. experiences such as: tickets to professional sports games, amusement parks, celebrity meet and greets and a whole lot more!

If you're 10 years old or 110 years old,

anyone can vote in the Mock Election.

This is Voting in 2020

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